I ‘R’ FlowCytobot (iRfcb): Tools for Managing Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) Data iRfcb website

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The iRfcb R package offers a suite of tools for managing and performing quality control on plankton data generated by the Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB). It streamlines the processing and analysis of IFCB data, facilitating the preparation of IFCB data and images for publication (e.g. in GBIF, OBIS, EMODNet, SHARK or EcoTaxa). It is especially useful for researchers using, or partly using, the MATLAB ifcb-analysis package.

Key Features


You can install the package from GitHub using the remotes package:

# install.packages("remotes")

Some functions in iRfcb require Python. You can download Python from the official website: python.org/downloads. For more details, please visit the project’s webpage.

Documentation and Tutorials


For a detailed overview of all available iRfcb functions, please visit the reference section:


Explore the key features and capabilities of iRfcb through the tutorials:

Example Usage

iRfcb is designed for integration into IFCB data processing pipelines. For an example, see its implementation in the following project:


For more details and the latest updates, visit the GitHub repository.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.