The iRfcb
package is an open-source R package designed
to streamline the analysis of Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) data, with a
focus on supporting marine ecological research and monitoring. By
integrating R and Python functionalities, the package facilitates
efficient handling of IFCB image data, extraction of key metadata, and
preparation of outputs for further taxonomic, ecological, or spatial
This tutorial serves as an introduction to the core functionalities
of iRfcb
, providing step-by-step instructions for data
preprocessing, taxonomic analysis, and SHARK-compliant data export.
You can install the package from GitHub using the
Load the iRfcb
and dplyr
To get started, download sample data from the SMHI IFCB Plankton Image Reference Library (Torstensson et al. 2024) with the following function:
# Define data directory
data_dir <- "data"
# Download and extract test data in the data folder
ifcb_download_test_data(dest_dir = data_dir,
max_retries = 10,
sleep_time = 30)
## Download and extraction complete.
This section demonstrates a selection of general data extraction
tools available in iRfcb
Extract timestamps from sample names or filenames:
# Example sample names
filenames <- list.files("data/data/2023/D20230314", recursive = TRUE)
# Print filenames
## [1] "D20230314T001205_IFCB134.adc" "D20230314T001205_IFCB134.hdr"
## [3] "D20230314T001205_IFCB134.roi" "D20230314T003836_IFCB134.adc"
## [5] "D20230314T003836_IFCB134.hdr" "D20230314T003836_IFCB134.roi"
# Convert filenames to timestamps
timestamps <- ifcb_convert_filenames(filenames)
# Print result
## sample timestamp date year month day
## 1 D20230314T001205_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:12:05 2023-03-14 2023 3 14
## 2 D20230314T001205_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:12:05 2023-03-14 2023 3 14
## 3 D20230314T001205_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:12:05 2023-03-14 2023 3 14
## 4 D20230314T003836_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:38:36 2023-03-14 2023 3 14
## 5 D20230314T003836_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:38:36 2023-03-14 2023 3 14
## 6 D20230314T003836_IFCB134 2023-03-14 00:38:36 2023-03-14 2023 3 14
## time ifcb_number
## 1 00:12:05 IFCB134
## 2 00:12:05 IFCB134
## 3 00:12:05 IFCB134
## 4 00:38:36 IFCB134
## 5 00:38:36 IFCB134
## 6 00:38:36 IFCB134
If the filename includes ROI numbers (e.g., in an extracted
image), a separate column, roi
, will be
added to the output.
# Example sample names
filenames <- list.files("data/png/Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax_050")
# Print filenames
## [1] "D20220712T210855_IFCB134_00042.png" "D20220712T210855_IFCB134_00164.png"
## [3] "D20220712T222710_IFCB134_00044.png"
# Convert filenames to timestamps
timestamps <- ifcb_convert_filenames(filenames)
# Print result
## sample timestamp date year month day
## 1 D20220712T210855_IFCB134 2022-07-12 21:08:55 2022-07-12 2022 7 12
## 2 D20220712T210855_IFCB134 2022-07-12 21:08:55 2022-07-12 2022 7 12
## 3 D20220712T222710_IFCB134 2022-07-12 22:27:10 2022-07-12 2022 7 12
## time ifcb_number roi
## 1 21:08:55 IFCB134 42
## 2 21:08:55 IFCB134 164
## 3 22:27:10 IFCB134 44
The analyzed volume of a sample can be calculated using data from
and .adc
# Path to HDR file
hdr_file <- "data/data/2023/D20230314/D20230314T001205_IFCB134.hdr"
# Calculate volume analyzed (in ml)
volume_analyzed <- ifcb_volume_analyzed(hdr_file)
# Print result
## [1] 4.568676
Get the runtime from a .hdr
## $runtime
## [1] 1200.853
## $inhibittime
## [1] 104.3704
Read all feature files (.csv
) from a folder:
# Read feature files from a folder
features <- ifcb_read_features("data/features/2023/",
verbose = FALSE) # Do not print progress bar
# Print output of first 10 columns from the first sample in the list
## roi_number Area Biovolume BoundingBox_xwidth BoundingBox_ywidth ConvexArea
## 1 2 446 6082.909 31 21 542
## 2 3 4326 142783.030 111 63 5186
## 3 4 9739 336908.323 202 129 10581
## 4 5 580 9186.802 27 28 602
## 5 6 3927 120366.981 99 50 4191
## 6 7 290 3111.748 22 20 335
## ConvexPerimeter Eccentricity EquivDiameter Extent
## 1 87.24196 0.6006111 23.82991 0.6850998
## 2 291.42030 0.8980639 74.21613 0.6186186
## 3 505.83898 0.9753657 111.35565 0.3737432
## 4 88.58696 0.3299815 27.17497 0.7671958
## 5 265.49548 0.9016151 70.71076 0.7933333
## 6 67.86613 0.3332706 19.21560 0.6590909
# Read only multiblob feature files
multiblob_features <- ifcb_read_features("data/features/2023",
multiblob = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
# Print output of first 10 columns from the first sample in the list
## roi_number blob_number Area MajorAxisLength MinorAxisLength Eccentricity
## 1 154 1 3647 109.93092 45.00010 0.9123779
## 2 154 2 1626 77.53922 30.74631 0.9180235
## 3 214 1 7456 232.11148 122.61037 0.8490956
## 4 214 2 4840 101.68493 68.30606 0.7407850
## 5 214 3 910 54.18655 28.51088 0.8503847
## 6 214 4 153 18.95031 10.93057 0.8168844
## Orientation ConvexArea EquivDiameter Solidity
## 1 11.28171 4205 68.14327 0.8673008
## 2 26.71876 2495 45.50041 0.6517034
## 3 30.89332 23666 97.43343 0.3150511
## 4 -35.88789 6955 78.50146 0.6959022
## 5 27.00911 1551 34.03892 0.5867182
## 6 48.78767 188 13.95728 0.8138298
IFCB images stored in .roi
files can be extracted as
files using the iRfcb
package, as
demonstrated below.
Extract all images from a sample using the ifcb_extract_pngs
function. You can specify the out_folder
, but by default,
images will be saved in a subdirectory within the same directory as the
ROI file. The gamma
can be adjusted to enhance image
# All ROIs in sample
gamma = 1) # Default gamma value
## Writing 1218 ROIs from D20230314T001205_IFCB134.roi to data/data/2023/D20230314/D20230314T001205_IFCB134
Extract specific ROIs:
# Only ROI number 2 and 5
ROInumbers = c(2, 5))
## Writing 2 ROIs from D20230314T003836_IFCB134.roi to data/data/2023/D20230314/D20230314T003836_IFCB134
To extract annotated images or classified results from MATLAB files, please see the Sharing Annotated IFCB Images and Handling MATLAB Results tutorials.
Maintaining up-to-date taxonomic data is essential for ensuring
accurate species names and classifications, which directly impact
calculations like carbon concentrations in iRfcb
Up-to-date taxonomy also ensures data harmonization by preventing issues like misspellings, outdated synonyms, or inconsistent classifications. This consistency is crucial for integrating and comparing datasets across studies, regions, and time periods, improving the reliability of scientific outcomes.
Taxonomic names can be matched against the World Register of Marine Species
(WoRMS), ensuring accuracy and consistency. The iRfcb
package includes a built-in function for taxon matching via the WoRMS
API, featuring a retry mechanism to handle server errors, making it
particularly useful for automated data pipelines. For additional tools
and functionality, the R package worrms
provides a comprehensive suite of options for interacting with the WoRMS
# Example taxa names
taxa_names <- c("Alexandrium_pseudogonyaulax", "Guinardia_delicatula")
# Retrieve WoRMS records
worms_records <- ifcb_match_taxa_names(taxa_names,
verbose = FALSE) # Do not print progress bar
# Print result
## # A tibble: 2 × 28
## name AphiaID url scientificname authority status unacceptreason taxonRankID
## <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <int>
## 1 Alex… 109713 http… Alexandrium p… (Biechel… accep… NA 220
## 2 Guin… 149112 http… Guinardia del… (Cleve) … unass… NA 220
## # ℹ 20 more variables: rank <chr>, valid_AphiaID <int>, valid_name <chr>,
## # valid_authority <chr>, parentNameUsageID <int>, kingdom <chr>,
## # phylum <chr>, class <chr>, order <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>,
## # citation <chr>, lsid <chr>, isMarine <int>, isBrackish <lgl>,
## # isFreshwater <int>, isTerrestrial <int>, isExtinct <int>, match_type <chr>,
## # modified <chr>
This function takes a list of taxa names, cleans them, retrieves
their corresponding classification records from WoRMS, and checks if
they belong to the specified diatom class. The function only uses the
first name (genus name) of each taxa for classification. This function
can be useful for converting biovolumes to carbon according to
Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000). See vol2C_nondiatom
and vol2C_lgdiatom
for carbon calculations (not included in NAMESPACE).
# Read class2use file and select five taxa
class2use <- ifcb_get_mat_variable("data/config/class2use.mat")[10:15]
# Create a dataframe with class name and result from `ifcb_is_diatom`
class_list <- data.frame(class2use,
is_diatom = ifcb_is_diatom(class2use, verbose = FALSE))
# Print rows 10-15 of result
## class2use is_diatom
## 1 Nodularia_spumigena FALSE
## 2 Cryptomonadales FALSE
## 3 Acanthoica_quattrospina FALSE
## 4 Asterionellopsis_glacialis TRUE
## 5 Centrales TRUE
## 6 Centrales_chain TRUE
The default class for diatoms is defined as Bacillariophyceae, but
may be adjusted using the diatom_class
This function takes a list of taxa names and matches them with the SMHI Trophic Type list used in SHARK.
# Example taxa names
taxa_list <- c("Acanthoceras zachariasii",
"Nodularia spumigena",
"Acanthoica quattrospina",
# Get trophic type for taxa
trophic_type <- ifcb_get_trophic_type(taxa_list)
# Print result
## [1] "AU" "AU" "MX" "HT" "NS"
## To cite package 'iRfcb' in publications use:
## Anders Torstensson (2025). iRfcb: Tools for Managing Imaging
## FlowCytobot (IFCB) Data. R package version 0.4.3.
## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
## @Manual{,
## title = {iRfcb: Tools for Managing Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB) Data},
## author = {Anders Torstensson},
## year = {2025},
## note = {R package version 0.4.3},
## url = {},
## }