Continuing on Section 3.4 of the vignette, we revisit the code used to obtain out-of-sample test error rates, and extend the analysis to a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) scheme.
The iprior()
function includes an argument to
conveniently instruct which data samples should be used for training,
and any remaining data used for testing. The out-of-sample test error
rates would then be reported together. The examples in the vignette can
then be conducted as follows:
data(tecator, package = "caret")
fat <- endpoints[, 2]
absorp <- -t(diff(t(absorp))) # take first differences
mod1 <- iprior(fat, absorp, train.samp = 1:172, method = "mixed")
## Running 5 initial EM iterations
## ================================================================================
## Now switching to direct optimisation
## iter 10 value 223.048879
## final value 222.642108
## converged
The prediction error (training and test) can then be obtained easily:
## Training RMSE Test RMSE
## 2.890732 2.890353
With the above conveniences, it is easy to wrap this in loop to
perform k-fold cross-validation;
this is done in the iprior_cv()
function. We now analyse
the predictive performance of I-prior models using a LOOCV scheme. For
all n=215
samples, one observation pair is left out and the
model trained; the prediction error is obtained for the observation that
was left out. This is repeated for all n=215
samples, and
the average of the prediction errors calculated.
For the linear RKHS, the code to peform the LOOCV in the
package is as follows:
## Results from Leave-one-out Cross Validation
## Training RMSE: 2.869906
## Test RMSE : 2.331397
Notice the argument folds = Inf
—since the
function basically performs a k-fold cross validation experiment,
setting folds
to be equal to sample size or higher tells
the function to perform LOOCV. Also note that the EM algorithm was used
to fit the model, and the stopping criterion relaxed to
—this offered faster convergence without affecting
predictive abilities. The resulting fit gives training and test mean
squared error (MSE) for the cross-validation experiment.
The rest of the code for the remaining models are given below. As
this takes quite a long time to run, this has been run locally and the
results saved into the data
within the
package. <- iprior_cv(fat, absorp, method = "em", folds = Inf, kernel = "poly2",
est.offset = TRUE, control = list(stop.crit = 1e-2)) <- iprior_cv(fat, absorp, method = "em", folds = Inf, kernel = "poly3",
est.offset = TRUE, control = list(stop.crit = 1e-2)) <- iprior_cv(fat, absorp, method = "em", folds = Inf, kernel = "fbm",
control = list(stop.crit = 1e-2)) <- iprior_cv(fat, absorp, method = "em", folds = Inf, kernel = "fbm",
est.hurst = TRUE, control = list(stop.crit = 1e-2)) <- iprior_cv(fat, absorp, method = "em", folds = Inf, kernel = "se",
est.lengthscale = TRUE, control = list(stop.crit = 1e-2))
# Function to tabulate the results
tecator_tab_cv <- function() {
tab <- t(sapply(list(,,,,,,
function(mod) {
res <- as.numeric(apply(sqrt(mod$mse[, -1]), 2, mean))
c("Training MSE" = res[1], "Test MSE" = res[2])
rownames(tab) <- c("Linear", "Quadratic", "Cubic", "fBm-0.5", "fBm-MLE",
The results are tabulated below.
Training RMSE | Test RMSE | |
Linear | 2.87 | 2.33 |
Quadratic | 2.98 | 2.66 |
Cubic | 2.97 | 2.64 |
fBm-0.5 | 0.09 | 0.50 |
fBm-MLE | 0.01 | 0.46 |
SE-MLE | 0.36 | 2.07 |