Dynamically Generate Tabset Panels in Quarto HTML Documents.
You can install the development version of quartabs from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
::pak("sayuks/quartabs") pak
takes a data frame as input and outputs
the markdown that generates the tabset
to stdout (console).
In the actual .qmd file, specify the chunk option
results: asis
tab = c("A", "B"),
value = c("Tab content for A", "Tab content for B")
) render_tabset(tab, value)
#> ::: {.panel-tabset}
#> # A
#> Tab content for A
#> # B
#> Tab content for B
#> :::
See Get started for details.
Please note that the quartabs project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.