October 1st, 1998

                    TeX--XeT for UNIX with Hebrew
A CD ROM called TeX Live 3 is now being distributed by TUG, the
TeX Users Group in the US. 
It can be bought via e-mail from tug@tug.org for a small sum of money. 
It is also available from me - that is, I lend a copy of the disk to 
TeX users.

The disk contains a TeX/LaTeX distribution for UNIX, Windows 95, Amiga
and NeXT systems, as well as for Macintosh, DOS and OS/2.

For UNIX, this disk has a very important feature for us, as it contains,
apart from the regular tex, another tex system called eTeX, which has
extensions. The most important extension, for us at least,
is the right-to-left extension. 

Until now, we (actually, Uri Feldman)
did a manual editing of TeX source in order to  insert the right-to-left
addition. From now on, the addition lies within eTeX.
Hence, eTeX is the TeX for right-to-left users of TeX from now on.

eTeX is Extended TeX. The right-to-left extension
included within e-TeX has been written by Peter Breitenlohner.
He is the man to whom we have to thank for being able to work in 
Hebrew TeX/LaTeX.

eTeX and other tex material can also be copied from one of the official 
tex archives -  ftp.tex.ac.uk (England)  or   ftp.dante.de (Germany)   
               	                         or   ctan.tug.org (USA)

During October 1998 we will prepare copies of TeX Live 3 cdrom,
and users will be able to borrow them and install TeX from them.
You can also buy your own copy from tug@tug.org .

                    Installing TeX on Unix 

Installation instructions for TeX from the CD come with the CD itself.
You insert the CD Rom into the CD drive, mount the CD drive on your
system, and type  
  sh install-cd.sh    or    bsh install-cd.sh
Then you follow the instructions on screen, change directories' names
as well as other parameters according to your system requirements, 
and start the installations.
Installation might take a few hours, depending on the number of
packages you decide to install.  A recommended installation will
require around 300 MB of disk space.

Read the instructions which appear on screen right after the installation
is finished. You have to update your PATH variable and run 
 texconfig init

If you need the Hebrew addition, then, after the above installation is 
complete, follow the Hebrew Addition installation instructions, below. 
                 Hebrew Addition installation
		 Based on instructions written by
		 Uri Feldman <ccuf@math.huji.ac.il>  Oct 26 1997

Note -- in the following text, "......." means the directory where tex has
been installed. It is usually /usr/local, but not necessarily so.

Installing Hebrew fonts:

1. Create a directory  ...../texmf/fonts/source/public/hebrew
   If you want only the basic Hebrew fonts, copy into this directory
   the files

   deads10.mf                   DeadSea.mf
   jerus10.mf                   Jerusalem.mf
   oldjaf10.mf                  OldJaffa.mf
   telav10.mf                   TelAviv.mf

   These files are available in  
   and in                        

   If you want all the available Hebrew fonts, copy all the files
   from the above addresses (oldcode/mf, newcode/mf)

2. Execute   mktexlsr

3. Edit  ...../texmf/fontname/special.map  and add:

@c Hebrew fonts
jerus10   public   hebrew
deads10   public   hebrew
telav10   public   hebrew
oldjaf10  public   hebrew
DeadSea         public   hebrew
Jerusalem       public   hebrew
OldJaffa        public   hebrew
TelAviv         public   hebrew
DeadSea_newcode      public   hebrew
Jerusalem_newcode    public   hebrew
OldJaffa_newcode     public   hebrew
TelAviv_newcode      public   hebrew
crml10       public    hebrew
crmlsl10     public    hebrew
fr           public    hebrew
frbx         public    hebrew
frsl         public    hebrew
hclassic     public    hebrew
hcaption     public    hebrew
redis7       public    hebrew
redis8       public    hebrew
redis9       public    hebrew
redis10      public    hebrew
redis12      public    hebrew
redis17      public    hebrew
redisb10     public    hebrew
rediss8      public    hebrew
rediss9      public    hebrew
rediss10     public    hebrew
rediss12     public    hebrew
shold10      public    hebrew
shscr10      public    hebrew
shstk10      public    hebrew
frank_ru   public    hebrew
frank_ruehl  public    hebrew
redisbx10 public    hebrew
DeadSea_newcode  public    hebrew
Jerusalem_newcode  public    hebrew
OldJaffa_newcode  public    hebrew
TelAviv_newcode  public    hebrew
redis_newcode  public    hebrew
redis10_newcode  public    hebrew
redis12_newcode  public    hebrew
redis17_newcode  public    hebrew
redis8_newcode  public    hebrew
redis9_newcode  public    hebrew
redisbx10_newcode  public    hebrew
rediss10_newcode  public    hebrew
rediss12_newcode  public    hebrew
rediss8_newcode  public    hebrew
rediss9_newcode  public    hebrew
ShalomOldStyle_pc  public    hebrew
ShalomScript10_pc  public    hebrew
ShalomStick_pc  public    hebrew

Note -- If you have installed only the basic Hebrew fonts,
        you need to insert into special.map only first 13 lines
        of the list above.

Installing macros files for working with TeX + Hebrew

1. Create a directory ....../texmf/tex/plain/hebrew

2. Copy the files from
   into this directory.
3. Execute      mktexlsr

Installing macros files for working with LaTeX2e + Hebrew

1. The Hebrew addition for LaTeX2e works with Babel 3.6j 

   However, Babel's version on the CD is 3.6 .

   in order to have Babel version 3.6j,  get the three files
      babel.sty    babel.def    hebrew.sty
   from  ftp://ftp.cc.huji.ac.il/tex/macros/latex_macros/babel
   and insert them (replace existing files) in

2. Create a directory ..../texmf/tex/latex/babel/hebrew

   Copy into this directory all the files from 

3. Execute      mktexlsr

Activation of TeX, LaTeX

The regular TeX is activated   by    tex <filename>
The regular latex is activated by   latex<filename>
The Hebrew (right to left) TeX is activated   by    etex <filename>
The Hebrew (right to left) latex is activayed by   elatex<filename>

Examples for the Hebrew latex can be found in
Examples for the Hebrew tex can be found in

More information - from Rama Porrat, Tel 02-6584408, rama@cc.huji.ac.il