Each JRE below has been tested by using it to launch Eclipse and recording the key system properties.
The recorded properties are displayed in the details for each JRE below,
including the properties used to invoke jlink.
Of course the added modules determine the available packages in the generated JRE;
those packages are dynamically computed by OSGi and this information is also included in the details below.
Compressing modules and stripping debug symbols helps to reduce the size of the JRE.
java.class.version = 68.0
java.runtime.name = OpenJDK Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version = 24-beta+35-ea
java.specification.name = Java Platform API Specification
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to satisfy all of the bundles of the simultaneous release, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.
org.eclipse.justj.description = Provides the minimal modules needed to launch Equinox with logging and without reflection warnings, stripped of debug information.