256856] Support model evolution
assigned in 4.9

540552] CDO's thread pool properties should be configurable
resolved-fixed in 4.8

540776] Add a InternalCDOObject.cdoInternalPreAttach() callback
resolved-fixed in 4.8

541449] Provide more CDOServerExporter options, e.g., branchPath and timestamp
resolved-fixed in 4.8

541450] Log repository activation/deactivation in RepositoryActivityLog
resolved-fixed in 4.8

543116] Provide a CDOAutoCommitter
resolved-fixed in 4.8

544045] Various concurrency improvements (IWorkSerializer, ThreadPool, RWOLockManager)
resolved-fixed in 4.8

544050] Provide commit template methods in CDOTransaction
resolved-fixed in 4.8

544060] Add optional fragment checks for CDOIDExternals
resolved-fixed in 4.8

544075] Add setBasename() and setExtension() methods to CDOResourceNode
assigned in 4.9

544363] Make timeout in CDOLobStore configurable
resolved-fixed in 4.8

547640] Support server-side commit conflict resolution
resolved-fixed in 4.8

551071] Implement binary server export/import
assigned in 4.9

552633] Support rollback of new objects to their attach-time state
resolved-fixed in 4.8

544575] CDOServerExporter should consider "null" as value for lists
assigned in 4.9

551031] New list elements intermittently show up in the database as external references with #NNULL fragment
assigned in 4.9

551035] The unordered list optimization doesn't work together with higher-level undos
assigned in 4.9

537081] Cannot unset a Reference with external EObject as values
resolved-fixed in 4.8

539332] Repository can't initialize dynamic packages
resolved-fixed in 4.8

540266] "Duplicate path" exception when moving an existing CDOResourceNode to a different folder
resolved-fixed in 4.8

541003] LockStatePrefetcher does not update other views
resolved-fixed in 4.8

541437] Repository UUID management seems broken
resolved-fixed in 4.8

544057] CDOObject.cdoReadLock().isLockedByOthers() returns true if lock is held by myself
resolved-fixed in 4.8

550929] Reconnecting session opens two new server sessions during recovery
assigned in 4.9

550930] RecoveringCDOSessionImpl deactivates itself after exceptions in recoverSession()
assigned in 4.9

552043] Rollback on CDOTransaction does not notify the adapter properly
resolved-fixed in 4.8

552512] CDOServerExporter does not release the Session
resolved-fixed in 4.8