567097] Provide org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.util.ResourceSetConfigurer
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567381] Cache the result of CDOViewProviderDescriptor.getViewProvider()
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567502] CDOViewSet should not throw exceptions during ResourceSet.eAdapters().clear()
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567539] Provide a way to automatically clear object adapters when a view closes
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568207] Add various small APIs to net4j.util and cdo
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568210] Provide an org.eclipse.emf.cdo.internal.explorer.AbstractManager<T>.saveProperties() method
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568213] Provide a CDOViewCommitInfoListener
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568426] Provide more control over local lock states when lock notifications are disabled
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568778] Add option to do lock state prefetching asynchronously
resolved-fixed in 4.12

569150] Rework server-side threading
resolved-fixed in 4.12

569154] Provide CDOBranchRef.MAIN and CDOBranchPointRef.MAIN_HEAD constants
resolved-fixed in 4.12

569155] Provide a dedicated CDOViewSetException
resolved-fixed in 4.12

439337] Prefetch CDOLockStates
resolved-fixed in 4.12

539021] ObjectNotFoundException when trying to prefetchLockState on non existing CDOObject for this view
resolved-fixed in 4.12

562246] Lock auto-release is not propagated to other views
resolved-fixed in 4.12

565469] NPE in CDOStaleReferencePolicy$DynamicProxy with dynamic type
resolved-fixed in 4.12

566889] [GMF Notation] Hand-modified default values are not applied with dynamic feature delegation
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567176] NullPointerException in CDOResourceImpl.setTrackingModification()
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567177] Iteration order of CDOViewSet.getViews() is not predictable
assigned in 4.12

567178] CDOURIHandler.canHandle(URI) is too lax
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567382] CDOViewLocksChangedEvent.lockStates contains temporary CDOIDs after commit of new objects
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567619] ResourceSetConfiguration.isActive() should not rely on adapter attachment state
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567622] CDOExplorerUtil.getCheckout(view) returns null while the view is still being configured
resolved-fixed in 4.12

567999] Fix EStringToStringMapEntryImpl references in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml
resolved-fixed in unspecified

568212] CDOXATransaction fails to remove a closed participant transaction
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568214] ClassCastException because of CDOFeatureDeltaImpl$UnknownValue
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568627] IllegalStateException: Different object was registered for OIDnnnn
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568642] User removal only possible by workaround
resolved-fixed in 4.12

568709] Misleading stacktraces for implicit unlocking
resolved-fixed in 4.12

569153] New objects become TRANSIENT after the server has modified a commit
resolved-fixed in 4.12