569680] Provide a convenient way to get multiple CDOObjects in at most one server round-trip
resolved-fixed in 4.13

570317] Support linking CDO resource nodes into the workspace
resolved-fixed in 4.13

570621] Support comparing and merging CDOLob attributes
resolved-fixed in 4.13

570806] Support comparing/merging UML models
resolved-fixed in 4.13

570833] Provide a facility for clients to contribute global URI handlers
resolved-fixed in 4.13

571768] Make SecurityManager multitenant
assigned in 4.13

522544] CDOCompare issues LinkageError in presence of Guava 21
resolved-fixed in 4.13

570123] CommitConflictException (without conflict) if reattached object modified by another session
resolved-fixed in 4.13

570832] IllegalStateException in ReferenceChangeMerger: Couldn't add in target because its parent hasn't been merged yet
resolved-fixed in 4.13