260036] Provide a CDOTransaction.revertTo() operation
resolved-fixed in 4.16

329179] Make cdoPrefetch() robust against timeouts
resolved-fixed in 4.16

444055] Add ability to delete branches
new in 4.13

576032] RecoveringCDOSessionImpl should make accessible the TransportException that leads to recover()
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576053] Make the security manager's realm update timeout configurable
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576582] Give IStores a chance to do initialization such as data migration when all repository elements are fully activated
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576706] Reduce the number of internal resources queries by using cached revisions
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576721] Provide a way to apply a single registered ResourceSetConfigurer to a resource set
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576723] Optimize CDOCheckoutFileStore.fetchInfo() to compute the deep lastModified timestamp lazily
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576725] Add a system property to omit the CDOCheckoutFileSystem
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576734] Add optional security support to local CDORepositories
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576773] Cache LOBs in internal CDORepository folder
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576799] Let open text editors listen and react to model changes
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576891] Let CDORevisionCache fire an AdditionEvent from addRevision()
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576892] Eliminate duplicate synchronization in CDOStoreImpl
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576893] Implement a CDOPrefetcherManager to prefetch and cache all valid revisions for a CDOViewSet
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576894] Implement optional prefetching for CDOCheckouts
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576920] Provide an InternalCDOView.isClosing() method
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576969] Revisions in the CDORevisionCache should be interned
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576998] Optimize the firing of IEvents
resolved-fixed in 4.16

577114] Give clients a facility to let the repository authorize arbitrary operations
resolved-fixed in 4.16

577138] A repository should properly orchestrate commit, branch and tag operations
resolved-fixed in 4.16

577209] CDOLockOwner instances should be interned
resolved-fixed in 4.16

577215] Make CDOLockStateImpl lighter
resolved-fixed in 4.16

577300] Optimize CDOLockState caching
resolved-fixed in 4.16

577319] Implement lock state prefetching as integral part of revision loading
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576289] Referential integrity check fails when container is changed and previous container is deleted (take two)
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576738] IllegalStateException from SecurePreferences when deleting an authenticated repository
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576802] Collaborations view does not properly disconnect from closed CDOSession
resolved-fixed in 4.16

576909] CDORevisionManagerImpl.getRevisions() processes RevisionInfos multiple times
resolved-fixed in 4.16