Given the topic 'science' I thought I would try and create something other than some bleeding-edge widget. A bunch of sundials I saw at one of those nature stores a few days ago gave me the idea to trace a sundial. The sundial is appropriate to the topic since it is the product of man's attempt to quantify the passage of time. The image is pretty simple. It's mostly a large cylinder with a flattened cone as the gnomon and some simple scaled cubes as the numbers. The numbers (except for XII) aren't really in the right location, but I didn't think anyone would notice (or care). The ground is a height field that was generated using an image whose source I've also included. I originally tried to make the sundial a brass or bronze texture but didn't have much success with that, so I used jade which seems to look great on just about everything. I scaled the texture up a little because its default scale made the numbers very hard to read. POVRay took about 5 hours to trace the image on my 386DX40 with anti-aliasing set at 0.05 and all the other switches at their defaults. I used Moray to model the scene and then tweaked some of the objects by hand. Matt (