Configuration Management BOF (cfgmgmt) Thursday, November 11 at 1530-1730 ================================== CHAIRS: Randy Bush Bert Wijnen DESCRIPTION: Collect input on community thinking about Configuration Management requirements, about which protocols to design/expand and standardize in order to meet those requirements. The input is needed for ADs and IESG to guide us in deciding which work to allow and promote within the IETF. AGENDA: 5 min - Agenda bashing 5 min - Introduction (Bert Wijnen) 15 min - Configuration Management Requirements (Luis Sanchez) 60 min - Describe how COPS/PIB and SNMP/MIB meet those requirements Point by Point description. Keith McCloghrie for COPS/PIB, Jon Saperia for SNMP/MIB 15 min - Other requirements/proposals/input from participants (pls inform BOF chairs asap if you want to present any). 10 min - General Discussion 10 min - Wrapup And very important, the reading materials are: - First, the document produced by the Design Team: this one should have as date: October 22nd - As background information we have documents that were originally used as input for a meeting in Chicago at which the Design Team was formed. - Further there are the various documents from the RAP WG and the SNMPv3 WG which explain current thinking w.r.t. COPS/PIB and SNMP/MIB. Please refer to the RAP WG charter page and the SNMPv3 WG charter page for ptrs to the various documents.