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Class eclipse.StatusReportingService

Service for reporting status
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201106100200/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/web/orion/status.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
eclipse.StatusReportingService(serviceRegistry, domId, progressDomId)
Service for reporting status
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
setMessage(msg, Number)
Set a message that will be shown in the progress reporting area on the page.
Set a message that indicates that a long-running (progress) task is complete.
showWhile(deferred, message)
Shows a progress message until the given deferred is resolved.
Class Detail
eclipse.StatusReportingService(serviceRegistry, domId, progressDomId)
Service for reporting status
{eclipse.ServiceRegistry} serviceRegistry
{String} domId
ID of the DOM node under which status will be displayed.
{String} progressDomId
ID of the DOM node used to display progress messages.
Method Detail
{String|dojoError|orionError} st
The error to display. Can be a simple String, or an error object from a dojo XHR error callback, or the body of an error response from the Orion server.

setMessage(msg, Number)
{String} msg
Message to display.
Number Optional
timeout Optional time to display the message before hiding it.

Set a message that will be shown in the progress reporting area on the page.
{String} message
The progress message to display.

Set a message that indicates that a long-running (progress) task is complete.
{String|dojoError|orionError} st
The error to display. Can be a simple String, or an error object from a dojo XHR error callback, or the body of an error response from the Orion server.

showWhile(deferred, message)
Shows a progress message until the given deferred is resolved. Returns a deferred that resolves when the operation completes.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Jun 10 2011 02:19:49 GMT-0400 (EDT)