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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Language Workbench User Guide
- Language Workbench overview
- Create a language / Define syntaxes
- Make language executable
- 1. Make a sequential executable language
- 2. Make a concurrent executable language
- Provide language with tools
- Define composition of languages
- Deploy language
- Modeling workbench User Guide
- Modeling Workbench overview
- Edit models
- Execute, animate and debug models
- 1. Execute a model
- 2. Executing model with the Sequential Engine
- 3. Executing model with the Concurrent Engine
- Coordinate models
- Other tools
- Tutorials
- Examples
- Developer Guide
- Appendix
List of Figures
- 1. Gemoc Workbenches Global Picture
- 2. Screenshot of the GEMOC Language Workbench showing the design of a Timed Finite State Machine (TFSM) example.
- 3. Screenshot of the First graphical level of Edition in MoCCML.
- 4. Screenshot of the Second graphical level of Edition in MoCCML (Constraint Implementation).
- 5. The exploration and verification flow in Gemoc
- 6. Using T1 Tranformation
- 7. Overview of the approach.
- 8. Wizard of the examples of coordination.
- 9. Windows Problems when languages are not correctly deployed.
- 10. Correct deployment of languages and BCOoL operators in the language workbench.
- 11. Runtime workbench launch configuration
- 12. Screenshot of GEMOC Studio Modeling Workbench on the TFSM example (execution and animation).
- 13. Wizard of the examples of coordination for the modeling workbench.
- 14. BFLoW specification of the coffee machine by using the TFSM and SigPML languages.
- 15. Debug Configuration of the Gemoc Coordinated eXecutable Models.
- 16. Debug Configuration of the Gemoc Coordinated eXecutable Models with launchers.
- 17. Step by step execution of the coordinated models.
- 18. Xdsml Wizard
- 19. Discovery
- 20. Discovery Components
- 21. Discovery Clocksystem
- 22. Approve licensing
- 23. Exploration Graph for an Instance
- 24. K3FSM Metamodel classes and K3 aspects classes.
- 25. FSM Syntaxic domain.
- 26. Language relations, packages and classes view.
- 27. GEMOC Studio General Architecture - Main Features
- 28. Components overview
- 29. ExecutionEngine overview
- 30. ExecutionEngine typical flow
- 31. Execution Framework API Interfaces overview
- 32. PlainK3ExecutionEngine overview
- 33. ExecutionEngine typical flow
- 34. New Extension forEngine Addon screenshot
- 35. EngineAddon extension point details screenshot