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Class eclipse.LineStyleEvent

This is the event sent when the editor needs the style information for a line.


Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201106021400/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.editor/web/js/editor.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The line index.
The character offset, relative to document, of the first character in the line.
The line text.
An array of style ranges for the line (output argument).
The style for the entire line (output argument).
Class Detail
Field Detail
{Number} lineIndex
The line index.

{Number} lineStart
The character offset, relative to document, of the first character in the line.

{String} lineText
The line text.

{eclipse.StyleRange[]} ranges
An array of style ranges for the line (output argument).

{eclipse.Style} style
The style for the entire line (output argument).

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Jun 02 2011 14:09:18 GMT-0400 (EDT)