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Class eclipse.CommandService

The command service manages the available commands.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201106010943/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/static/js/commands.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The command service manages the available commands.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addCommand(the, scope)
Add a command at a particular scope.
addCommandGroup(the, the, the, the, the)
Registers a command group and specifies visual information about the group.
Return the selection service that is being used when commands should apply against a selection.
registerCommandContribution(the, scopeId, the, the, a, if)
Register a command contribution, which identifies how a command appears on a page and how it is invoked.
renderCommands(parent, scope, items, handler, style, userData, forceText, forceText)
Render the commands that are appropriate for the given scope.
Class Detail
The command service manages the available commands.
Method Detail
addCommand(the, scope)
Add a command at a particular scope.
{Command} the
command being added.
{String} scope
The scope to which the command applies. "global" commands apply across the page, "dom" level commands apply only when the specified dom element is rendering commands, and "object" scope applies to particular objects being displayed in widgets such as lists or trees.

addCommandGroup(the, the, the, the, the)
Registers a command group and specifies visual information about the group.
{String} the
id of the group, must be unique. Also used for dom node id
{Number} the
relative position of the group within its parent, optional.
{String} the
title of the group, optional
{String} the
path of parent groups, separated by '/'. For example, a path of "group1Id/group2Id" indicates that the group belongs as a child of group2Id, which is itself a child of group1Id. Optional.
{String} the
id of a DOM element related to the command's scope. Optional. For example, if the scope is "dom" level, the scopeId describes which dom id to which this command should be added

<inner> CommandService(options)


Return the selection service that is being used when commands should apply against a selection.

registerCommandContribution(the, scopeId, the, the, a, if)
Register a command contribution, which identifies how a command appears on a page and how it is invoked.
{String} the
id of the command
{String} scopeId
The id related to the scope. Depending on the scope, this might be the id of the page or of a dom element.
{String} the
path on which the command is located. Optional.
{Number} the
relative position of the command within its parent
{eclipse.CommandKeyBinding} a
keyBinding for the command. Optional.
{boolean} if
true, then the command is never rendered, but the keybinding is hooked.

renderCommands(parent, scope, items, handler, style, userData, forceText, forceText)
Render the commands that are appropriate for the given scope.
{DOMElement} parent
The element in which commands should be rendered.
{String} scope
The scope to which the command applies. "dom" level commands apply only when a specified dom element is rendering commands. "object" scope applies to particular objects/items displayed in widgets such as list or trees.
{Object} items
An item or array of items to which the command applies.
{Object} handler
The object that will perform the command
{String} style
The style in which the command should be rendered. Currently only "image" is implemented, but this should involve into something like "button," "menu," "link," etc.
{Object} userData
Optional user data that should be attached to generated command callbacks
{Boolean} forceText
Always use text and not the icon when showing the command, regardless of style.


Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Jun 01 2011 09:58:19 GMT-0400 (EDT)