Class eclipse.Preferences
A preference object provides functions for accessing and setting preferences
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201103010200/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/static/js/preferences.js>.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
A preference object provides functions for accessing and setting preferences
stored in some asynchronously accessible back end store (for example on a server).
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
<static> |
eclipse.Preferences.get(key, onDone, onError)
Retrieves the preference with the given key from the preference service at the
given location.
<static> |
eclipse.Preferences.getNode(node, onDone)
Retrieves the preferences and children of the given preferences node.
<inner> |
Preferences(location, location)
Creates a new preferences object that interacts with a remote preference server
at the given location.
<static> |
eclipse.Preferences.put(key, value)
Sets the preference with the given key to the provided value.
<static> |
eclipse.Preferences.putNode(node, value)
Sets an entire node of preferences.
Class Detail
A preference object provides functions for accessing and setting preferences
stored in some asynchronously accessible back end store (for example on a server).
Method Detail
eclipse.Preferences.get(key, onDone, onError)
Retrieves the preference with the given key from the preference service at the
given location. On completion, the onDone method is invoked with the preference
value as a parameter. A null value is returned if there is no preference defined
or if there was an error retrieving the value.
- Parameters:
- {String} key
- The preference key. The key is either a simple name, or a path where the key is the final segment.
- {Function} onDone
- A function that is invoked with the loaded preference as an argument, or
with no argument if the preference could not be retrieved and
is not provided. - {Function} onError
- Function to be invoked if retrieval failed, if not profiled
is invoked with no argument.
eclipse.Preferences.getNode(node, onDone)
Retrieves the preferences and children of the given preferences node.
- Parameters:
- {String} node
- Path to a preference node
- {Function} onDone
- Function to be invoked with the result, or with no argument if retrieval failed.
Preferences(location, location)
Creates a new preferences object that interacts with a remote preference server
at the given location.
- Parameters:
- {String} location
- The location of the remote preference service
- location
eclipse.Preferences.put(key, value)
Sets the preference with the given key to the provided value.
- Parameters:
- {String} key
- The preference key. The key is either a simple name, or a path where the key is the final segment.
- {String} value
- The preference value.
eclipse.Preferences.putNode(node, value)
Sets an entire node of preferences.
- Parameters:
- {String} node
- Path to a preference node
- {String} value
- A JSON object of key/value pairs to save